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Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC)
Tang Dynasty (618 - 906)
Song Dynasty (960-1279)
Liao & Jin Dynasty (916-1234)
Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368)
Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)
Qing Dynasty (1644-1912)

China 6000 years

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Hommage - Silkroad

China Collection -  6000 years of history



Collecting art is a passion. Maybe even a sickness. Holding a beautiful vase that was made over 1000 years ago, without a chip, makes me feel humble and thoughtful; preserved perfection and history still alive in a tender body of clay or porcelain. It may have been used or worn, but most likely buried in a grave to fulfill the last will of an earlier nobleman. Just as perfect as when it was made.

It sometimes feels like breaking a seal when possessing such precious artifact meant for an eternal life or an endless journey in the dark. With great respect I also feel proud turning light on such a unique culture heritage.


Chinese handcraft and specially pottery and ceramics, is a most impressive documentation and unbroken chain of human civilization from 4000 years BC and until today. Almost every period or Dynasty represents highlights in its own way. Improving techniques, quality, glazes, pattern, shapes and design. The Chinese history and identity has been dyed with a variety of cultures from the Han-Chinese, the Tibetans, the Mongols, the Manchus, Hezhen but also other cultures in Asia, Middle East and the Western World and the continuous struggelig forces between Conficanism, Buddhism and Islam. No other civilization has shown such an historic long and continuous presence as the Chinese. It must come from the soil.


The Han-chinese has been the dominant ethnic group ever since they succeded the short-lived Qin-Dynasty around 220 BC. Only two of the important dynasties has not been Han-dominated; the Liao and Mongol Yuan dynasty (10 -14. Century) and the Manchu Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).


The rise and fall of dynasties is a prominent feature of Chinese history. Some scholars have attempted to explain this phenomenon by attributing the success and failure of dynasties to the morality of the rulers, while others have focused on the tangible aspects of monarchical rule.  The shift of dynasties, and rulers with different impact of culture is an important background of understanding China today. 


This collection is supposed to show some of the highlights from most of the important dynasties in Chinese history and to show the development and influence each period had on the artistic expression and techniques. The shape of vessels, horses, guards, persons and ordinary pottery, combined with different materials and glazes is impressive.  I have wanted to make a chronological and representative documentation of chineese art through history. However this collection will only give a small but carefully chosen taste of artifacts from most of the impressive Chinese dynasties from the Neolithic period (4000 BC) until the last Qing Dynasty 20. century.


Its hard to say stop when you are a keen collector and you know you are a true one when you several times have exceeded your purchase budget and gone through slepless nights thinking how you can solve the payment of the artifact you have just bought. I know them well, and still hope it was worth it.  The best things you buy are normaly above your limit but seldom under expectations.


This collection is called "Hommage", a tribute to my great-grandfather Albert Gotfred Nielsen who served as Custom commisioner in Shanghai, Canton, Chefoo and Amoy under the legendary Sir Robert Hart (GI) from 1886 -1919. He was honored with the Order of the Striped Tiger "Wen Ho" for his service as comander at the Wei Hai Wei fortress during the Cino-Japanese War in 1894. He was also a keen collector and has inspired my interest in Chinese art. Some of his items are also present in this collection.

Read more about my Great Grandfather here

Henrik Ulven













Henrik Ulven is born in Oslo Norway and educated Dipl. Ing. ETH Zürich (chemistry) and Bussiness administration. His career has been within Oil & Gas development, Marketing, Publishing and Real Estate.

His interest for art and history has been a life long passion. 

If you want to know why, go to Hommage


A large Imperial Ming Vase. Wanli Dynasty (1573-1619)


A jade burial suit from Han Dynasty (206 BC- 220 AD)  (Hommage Collection)


This guilded silver neckless with a lot of symbolic figures was given to my great-grandfather Albert Nielsen on January 1. 1900 from viceroy Li Hung Chang as he visited my great-grandfather in Canton (Guangzhou) as he served as Deputy Commissioner. It was given as a special birthday gift to his newborn daughter Elisabeth.

Li Hung Shang had visited his private home the same day as she was born which brings luck and long life. The neckless is still in the family.

A chalkstone Buddha from 6. Century Qingzhou.

Typical from the transition period between Qi (550 - 577) and Wei Dynasty with the clothing softly folding around the body. Traces of "original red pigment"

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