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Peter Albert Gotfred Nielsen

Chinese Customs 1886-1919, serving under the legendary G.I.  Sir Robert Hart.


This colletion is a Hommage to my Great Grandfather, Peter Albert Gotfred Nielsen, who lived in China for more that 33 years (1886-1919) where he served in the Chinese Navy and Customs as Commisioner under the legendary General Inspector (GI) Sir Robert Hart.

He earned the 4. Rank of Mandarin and was awarded the order of "Wen Hu" or the striped Tiger for his effort during the Chineese-Japaneese war (1894-95) the highest Rank a foregner could receive. As an officer and naval expert, he was a resource for the Chinese naval forces during the buildup of the navy and during the Sino-Japanese war in 1894. He personally advised Admiral Tang not to attach the superior Japanese fleet at Wei-hai-Wei in the Battle of Yalu. Admiral Tang lost the battle, but was pardoned by emperor Cixi, however short after he commited Hara-kiri.
Albert Nielsen also received the chinese honour of Golden Grain for his commercial effort for China.

Albert Nielsen was born 1863 in the booming shipping-town Arendal.

He became a navy-officer and soon went to London to work for "Nordenfelt Gun-factory" where he was constructing everyting from torpedos and submarines to canons. In 1888 he was asked to be officer onboard a new equipped chinese naval-ship "Li Kin" that was heading for China. From then he stayed in the chinese customs serving as officer, commander and Inspector for more that 30 years.


Unfortunately I never met my Great- grandfather, but many exothic stories about his life in China have had big influence on me during my whole life. In 2013 I published a booklet with all his memoares, letters and photos along with my own comments. Not at least all his personal corresponance to G.I. Sir Robert Hart is of historical interest.
He was also a notable collector of Chinese art. This has inspired my interest for collecting and some of his pieces are also presented here.



























This tiger was shot at the lawn outside the house in Amoy. Tiger-hunting was a dangerous sport in the hills outside Amoy around 1900.















The Custom Commisioner on duty inspection around 1900 in his fancy catamaran.

Albert Nielsen's personal seal and some personbal letters.

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Albert Nielsen Grew up in the Norwegian shipping city of Arendal

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The new chinese naval-boats "Li Kin" and "Chuen Tiao" finally reaching Hong Kong in 1888.

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Above: Albert Nielsen (right) together with Commisioner and "brother-in law" Stanley Wright.

Left: Albert Nielsen with wife Karen, son Jack and daughter Elisabeth in ther Shanghai home around 1903. He then served as Custom Manager in Shanghai. 

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This guilded silver neckless with a lot of symbolic figures was given to my Great Grandfather Albert Nielsen on January 1, 1900 from viceroy Li Hung Chang as he visited my great-grandfather in Canton (Guangzhou) when he served as Deputy Commissioner. It was given as a special birthday gift to his newborn daughter Elisabeth. Li Hung Shang had visited his private home the same day as she was born which brings luck and long life. The neckless is still in the family.

Above right: Photo of Viceroy Li Hung Shang with "his look alike" (from family album).

Under right: An Illustration from 1880s illustrating Li´s frustration over the colonial powers greed for China.

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He earned the 4. Rank of Mandarin and was awarded the order of "Wen Hu" or the striped Tiger for his effort during the Chineese-Japaneese war (1894-95) the highest Rank a foregner could receive.

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